Designing strategic entrepreneurship competencymodel for the country senior managers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Tehran University

2 Ph.D. student in strategic knowledge management of SNDU

3 Professor of Allameh-Tababtabaei University


Developing organizations and countries needs managers who have the ability to make big changes. One of the most effective ways to confront current challenges is to take advantage of entrepreneurship. In entrepreneurship education, strategic entrepreneurship has not been paid attention and the country senior managers have no advantages. The purpose of this study was to identify the competencies required by senior managers in the new scientific field of strategic entrepreneurship. The type of research based on the result, is developmental-applied, and based on the type of data, is quantitative. The research method was survey and data collection was done using library methods and questionnaires. The statistical population of this research includes managers working in organizations and institutions of policy and executive in the field of higher education and development of human resources of the country. The stratified sampling method was used and the sample size was 237 people. Validity of the questionnaire was obtained using Thurston spectrum and confirmatory factor analysis and its reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alpha coefficient. Confirmatory factor analysis was used to process the data. The results of the study indicate that the country senior managers need to have thirteen competencies in strategic entrepreneurship so that they can perform their duties at a high or acceptable level. These competencies can be used in the design of strategic entrepreneurship education courses.


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