Drawing out the Warfare Challenge Model among Selected Countries of West of Asia with an Emphasis on Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Phd in Economics

2 Researcher in Economics


Defense has been always important in all societies and countries allocate significant amount of resources to defend themselves against probable threats. It is also known that some countries attack others pursuing more power and influence and as a result others have to increase their defensive power. However sometimes countries consider even nonthreatening behaviors of others as threats to themselves and increase their defensive power in response. The situation of countries reacting to each other’s army expenditures is called warfare challenge. Concerning the current situation in western Asia, recognizing the nature of army activities among neighbor countries especially Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the Zionist Regime is so important for I.R. Iran. As a result the defensive policy of Iran depends on regional situation and warfare challenge among these countries. This paper aims to investigate warfare challenge model among selected countries of the region. The model is estimated by time series (VAR) analysis. Results show that Islamic Republic of Iran is in a warfare challenge with Turkey and Israel. It is also shown that Israel and Saudi Arabia are each in warfare challenge with Turkey.


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