Presenting a strategic model of election administration based on the discourse of Velayat-e-Faqih

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University, Email:


Elections are the most important channel for the implementation of democracy and a standard for evaluating the position and role of people in political systems, and the audit between democratic systems is considered to be dictatorial systems. Therefore, the election has always been the focus of policymakers, legislators, law enforcers and citizens in terms of the quality of the organization, executive body, executives, supervision and supervisors, and the manner of implementation and supervision, which is examined in the form of the election administration. The aim of the research is to achieve a codified and strategic model that can provide the administration of the country's election affairs based on the discourse of the religious authority. This research seeks to answer the main question, what is the strategic model of election affairs management based on the discourse of religious authority? is In this research, Barosh analyzed the data based on the sayings of Imam Khomeini (may God bless him and grant him peace) and Imam Khamenei (may God bless him and grant him peace). The results of this research are providing a model of the foundation's data method


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