The presentation of the strategic model of the Hajj Office of Ebrahimi based on the discourse of the Imam and the leadership, the constitution, the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the enjoyment of successful human experience

Document Type : Original Article


1 Has seminary degree

2 Associate Professor of Imam Sadiq University

3 Ph.D. Student, University of Nairobi and National Defense and Strategic Research Institute


Of all the prayers, Hajj and its rites have a special place. After the victory of the glorious Islamic Revolution in order to revive Hajj Ebrahimi under the guidelines of the founder of the Islamic Republic and the continuation of Imam Khamenei (ongoing prayer), many studies and attempts has been made and this article seeks to evaluate these experiences and studies. The main purpose of this article is to formulate a "strategic model for the administration of Hajj Ebrahimi Affairs based on the discourse of the Imam and the Supreme Council, the constitution, the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the pursuit of successful experiments in this field." In the field of research literature, all the statements and letters of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei regarding the Hajj organization that expresses the ideas, opinions, opinions, guidelines and policies, as well as the constitutional principles of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other upstream documents are part of the statistical community of research documents, and in the field research, all relevant directors and experts, who their common characteristics are experience of over 10 years and having responsibilities at the highest levels of Hajj administration, which is estimated at a total of 45 people, were selected for making the statistical society an expert. Methods of collecting data. Library method and field research. In this research, various qualitative research methods have been used, including content analysis, discourse analysis, interpretive approach, and basic theory. The findings of this study indicate that "the Hajj is the manifestation of monotheism and negation of Shirk" in the thoughts and statements of the Supreme leaders of Iran, and that it has a great influence on Islamic civilization.


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