Cultural resistance and its impact on the realization of the desired cultural future

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Supreme National Defense University


The existence of cultural anomalies, undesirable lifestyles, the tendency of young people to imitate western culture, the lack of unity of action in the institutions responsible for culture, contradictory policies, inefficient cultural management, etc. with desirable culture.
Therefore, considering the importance of the category of culture and its impact on the fate of the Islamic system of our country, and taking into account the conspiracies and efforts of the enemies of this border and region in perverting and harming the original culture, this research tries, while expressing the characteristic the ideal culture and explaining the nature and meaning of the concept of cultural resistance and how cultural resistance as an irreplaceable principle can lead us to an ideal culture and what effective cultural drivers and their recognition will help in achieving a desirable cultural future.
Tremendous advances and newly emerging technologies in various fields and cultural fields and their numerous consequences on all fields of human life have prompted organizations and experts to take a deeper look at these fields. Trying to reach a desirable cultural future, which has always been one of the demands and menus of the Supreme Leader to cultural officials and custodians. It is one of the necessities of the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which, despite the activities and achievements achieved during the 4 decades of the revolution, still has a long way to go. Adopting the approach of actively confronting cultural threats and invasions, which are added to its diversity and multiplicity every day. It requires that with timely planning and appropriate action, creating opportunities, and culturally coordinated decision-making and policy-making with current thought actions in pursuit of shaping And in order to move forward and show a bright, believable vision, it was the basis for the all-round movement of the members of the society to achieve a desirable cultural future.


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