The requirements and conditions of science production in Imam Khamenei's sphere of thought

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Associate Professor of Supreme National Defense University. and Responsible Author, Email:

2 PhD.Graduated in Strategic Defense Sciences, Supreme National Defense University


In today's world, science plays a significant role in the advancement of human society, and the development and progress in the field of science and technology gives rise to the authority of the country. This importance has caused the production of science to be considered as an urgent and vital need for realizing the all-round independence of the country, an inevitable necessity. This article tries to identify the most important requirements and conditions for the production of science in the thought of Imam Khamenei. The present research is applied in terms of purpose and qualitative in nature, and using thematic analysis method, all the statements and letters of His Holiness, from 1368 to 1401, have been studied with the full number method. According to the research findings, 191 themes, 35 organizing themes and 2 comprehensive themes were obtained. The requirements and conditions for the production of science in the individual field are: spiritualism, revolutionism, diligence and perseverance, scientific jihad, self-belief, scientific courage, motivation, new thinking, scientific innovation, aptitude, knowledge accumulation, elites' responsibility, forward-looking, and in the domain of governance including: elitism. Jihadist management, national self-confidence, creating hope, believing in people, national determination, free-thinking, development of basic sciences, flourishing of talents, government support, correct orientation, governance approach to science production, problem-oriented, culture-building, honoring science and scholars, accelerating science, research It is the transformation of human sciences, the use of world experiences, the activation of the cycle of science and practice, the development of universities.


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