Examining the Strategic Cultural Management Model of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Cultural Management; Faculty Member of Imam Hossein University

2 Responsible Author: Ph.D. Student of Strategic Cultural Management of Supreme National Defense University


Culture and systematic cultural interactions are the most vital elements of any society for the comprehensive progress and development. The Islamic Republic of Iran, as a system of governance, has put forward a unique model in the world that requires real and precise presentation of the fundamentals as well as accurate and precise way of achieving the goals. The Islamic Revolution of Iran is a cultural revolution and in all of the upstream documents in addition to the statements of Imam Khomeini and the Supreme Leader, has always been referred to “culture” as the most vital element in comprehensive development and progression. Accordingly, the present article, entitled “Examining the Strategic Cultural Management Model of the Islamic Republic of Iran” through the study of theoretical foundations of “culture” and “cultural strategic management”, seeks to recognize its principles based on religious teachings, and while extracting components and effective indicators of cultural strategic management and their relationship to achieve the "strategic model of cultural management of the Islamic Republic of Iran". This research is developmental in the field of principles and components and is an applied research in terms of indicators and modeling. Besides, the “Q method” is used given the importance of the proposed model and the existence of quantitative and qualitative data. Accordingly, relying on the obtained information, twenty-one strategies have been identified and proposed to study the “Strategic Model of Cultural Management of the Islamic Republic of Iran”. The illustrated model is also identified in two sections of “extracting and drawing” and “Functioning”. Then each of these is divided into components that are in the “extracting and drawing’ dimension as follows: drawbacks, assessment and evaluation, control and results and outcomes


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