The Impact of Knowledge Management on Human Resources Strategies in Iranian Knowledge-Based Companies at the Time of Sanctions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Muhammad Bagher Technical University, Sari, Iran, and Responsible Author

2 Professor, Department of Industrial Management, Mazandaran University, Babolsar, Iran.


The present article is a research on the impact of knowledge management on human resource strategies of knowledge-based companies in Iran during the embargo period and the presentation of a local model. The research method was a combination of exploratory and statistical population in the qualitative section of 40 senior managers of knowledge-based companies and in the quantitative section, elites and academic and executive researchers in the number of 1300 people. To measure the model, a researcher-made questionnaire using simple random sampling was distributed among 480 samples. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis method with MAXqda software and quantitative data were analyzed by structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis with SPSS and AMOS software. The results of the qualitative section showed that the knowledge management model in knowledge-based companies in Iran has four dimensions and 16 components in terms of knowledge process capability (knowledge application, knowledge transfer, knowledge integration, knowledge production), human resource strategies (recruitment, human resource development, performance). Employees, service compensation, labor relations) have been technology strategies (development of knowledge-based companies, attention to internal elites) and knowledge assets (human capital, structural capital, innovation capital, social capital, process capital). The results of the quantitative section showed that all the dimensions and components of the research formulation model were approved.


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