Identification and prioritization of new defense supply chain technologies and approaches

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Assistant professor of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, and Responsible Author, Email:

2 Assistant professor of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology

3 Master student of Shahid Sattari Aviation University


Considering the importance of the supply chain in gaining a competitive advantage, it is said that the competition between organizations has been replaced by the competition between their supply chains. Therefore, the effective management of the supply chain is considered a fundamental factor in the success of organizations. The role of emerging approaches in improving deterrence against military threats shows the importance and necessity of using these approaches in defense industry supply chain management. This research has focused on monitoring and prioritizing the most important new approaches of defense supply chains. The research is fundamental in terms of its purpose, mixed (qualitative-quantitative) in terms of the nature of the data, and descriptive-survey in terms of the data collection method. In this research, first, the literature and background of the subject were reviewed and the most important emerging approaches in the supply chain were identified. After identifying the approaches using experts' opinions and the technology acceptance model, the technology acceptance criteria in defense organizations were localized and finally, prioritization was done using the Electra decision-making method. Among the most important results of the research, we can mention the determination of electronic, flexible, agile and intelligent supply chain as the most important approaches in defense organizations.


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