Developing a Model for Institutionalizing Service Culture in Iranian Government Organizations

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor in Public Administration and a member of the faculty of Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch and Responsible Author

2 PhD student in Public Administration (Organizational Behavior), Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch

3 Assistant Professor in Public Administration and a member of the faculty of Islamic Azad University, Qazvin Branch

4 Assistant Professor in Management and a member of the faculty of AJA Command and Staff University


Organizations in today's changing world, according to the changes and transformations that have occurred in various fields, should institutionalize the organizational culture among their employees. It seems that the need to transform the administrative system is felt more than ever, and for this purpose, identifying its issues, problems and challenges is a priority. The problems and challenges of the administrative system have several parts, one of which is the culture of service. Therefore, this research has been carried out with the aim of formulating a model of institutionalization of service culture in Iran's government organizations, which has been carried out in terms of practical purpose and using thematic analysis method. The participants in the qualitative part were 15 experts and experts in the field of public administration based on the non-probability judgment method. And by implementing it in MAXQDA software, the components have been identified and summarized. The results have shown that in terms of organizational factors, the components of service education and learning, leadership and management of employees, and management and power approach have the most meaning and importance. In terms of environmental factors, policy making, public interests and participation, religious beliefs and behavior, identity and human values have the most meaning and importance. As a result, government organizations identify the components of the service culture and based on them design solutions to improve and institutionalize the service culture in employees and start training them. In government organizations, the desired culture of service, which includes organizational, individual and environmental factors, should be based on learning the culture of service (stories, rituals, physical symbols, special privileges, code language and training) and the continuity of the culture of service (selection, sociability, high management and strengthening values) to institutionalize the desired service culture in the organization  (training, rewards, rules and regulations, transfer). According to the results, it is necessary to plan to improve the dimensions and components of institutionalizing the culture of service in government organizations, and on the other hand, the components of the culture of service that are more important should be institutionalized and stabilized by managers in the organization with appropriate methods.


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