An Analysis of Strategy Implementation in Projects (Case Study of Water Sector)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University, and Responsible Author

2 Associate Professor of Supreme National Defense UniversityTehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Management, Department of strategic management, Faculty of strategic management, University and National Defense Research Institute and Strategic Research, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor of Management, Department of management, Faculty of management and economy, Imam Hossein Comprehensive University, Tehran, Iran


Strategy implementation is one of the important issues in the strategic management process and in terms of strategy implementation through projects, which in a way expresses the strategic approach of projects, the alignment of projects with strategic goals should be considered. Due to the existence of issues such as non-compliance of projects with development strategies and increase in duration and cost and poor quality In this research, based on theoretical literature such as strategic implementation approaches, principles of strategic project management and measures related to project creation, alignment of business goals with projects in the stages of their development is examined and analyzed. The research method is Meta-Synthesis in which the concepts and results used in previous studies are examined and by analyzing and combining them, new findings were presented to implement the strategy in the projects. In the process of evaluating the findings, considering the pivotal importance of water sector development projects in achieving development goals and strategies, as well as its nature, which is mainly faced with nonlinear and variable conditions, the opinions of experts in this field were used. Accordingly, for the implementation of strategy in projects, alignment of projects and processes with vital activities, integration of project governance levels and providing valuable executive platforms, with the approach of adaptability and resiliency of actions to achieve goals and on values such as responsibility, respect, fairness and honesty is important.


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