Presenting a Jihadi Management Model for Implementing Iran’s Supreme Leader's Policies in Resilient Economy

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University


Today’s need for our country for indigenous management patterns is unavoidable, as today's modern Western management theories admit that the management style in a society should be in line with the principles and values of that society. For this purpose, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of Jihadi Management Style through Systematic Analysis. Since our country has been exposed to various types of oppressive governments in many ways in different aspects and dimensions, the design and presentation of a Jihadist Model for realization and implementation of the Resilient Economy has become increasingly important. In recent years, the Supreme Leader has drawn attention to the issue of the economy, production and livelihoods of the people, with the emphasis on elites and officials. Therefore, the present study seeks to present a pattern of jihad management in the direction of implementing the policies of the Supreme Leader of Iran in the field of Resilient Economy.


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