Presenting a strategic model of sixtuple dimentions of management in conducting martime transportation affairs based on experiences holy I.R.I.

Document Type : Original Article


1 Author: Associate Professor at the National Defense University

2 Ph.D. Student of Future Studies at the National Defense University


One of the competitve advantages of Islamic Republic of IRAN is the "marine transportation"; The area which benefiting the strategic position of country (access to sea in north and south), background of experiencies and international experience and sciences and, in the case of dominance of integrated, scientific and the national interests management, other than organizational, can take a brilliant role in commercial development and progress of country and independency to petroleum earns. The aim of this research is the compilation and also analysis of Islamic  Republic's experiences in marine transportataion area and presenting a strategic model for management in conducting martime transportation. Considering that, ther have been registered experiences of Islamic Republic by studying and investigation of five years period development program, confidential documents, approved plans and program, in the area of sea lift and finally through experts deep interviewe, management experiences of the Islamic Republic of IRAN have been registered and analyzed using the foundation data method: eventually the components and sub-components of the sextuple aspects of management have been gained. There have been amount of 101 sub-components resulting from axial coding for explaining the management dimentions components. There have been 39 components for explaining the actions and necessary orientations in the sealift sextuple management dimentions components, we can indicate the sustaining of systematic and integrated look in marine transportation, understanding of programming essentials, review of the rules and regulations, explaining and expansion of sea culture and, to simplify the cargo transition procedure by omiting redundant bureaucracies


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