The Impact of Perceived Social Support on Reducing Job Indifference of Police Officers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Demography, Department of Social Sciences, Islamic Azad

2 . PhD Student in Sociology of Iran, Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch, Semnan and Responsible Author

3 . PhD student in Sociology of Social Issues

4 . Instructor of Special Operations Department, Faculty of Law Enforcement Sciences and Technology, Amin University of Law Enforcement Sciences.


The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of social support in reducing job indifference of police officers. The present study is considered in terms of applied purpose (in the field of organizational behavior) and in terms of the method of correlation work, which has been done through regression analysis during the years 1400-1388 at the level of specialized police personnel in Tehran. And the sample population includes 730 employees present at their service who have been selected based on Cochran's formula and completely randomly. In regression analysis (using Enter method), a significant model was obtained (adjusted coefficient of determination = 23.5%, N = 288, P <0.001). This model can explain 23.5% of changes in job indifference by independent variables, components of emotional support and social assistance and cooperation are significant predictors of job indifference, but the variable of social acknowledgment is not a significant predictor and It has no significant effect. The standardized regression coefficient for the emotional support predictor variable is -0.36 and with a negative impact and predictor variable and for social assistance and cooperation is -0.18 and negative. Specialized police in the city of Tehran need to adopt an approach to the development of a duty culture, and in this regard, they must implement long-term and codified programs.


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