Investigating the effectiveness of innovation on strategic entrepreneurship (Study case: Country Mapping Organization)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Malik Ashtar University of Technology

2 Member of the faculty of Amin University of Police Sciences and Assistant professor of national defense university and and Responsible Author

3 Assistant professor of national defense university

4 Assistant professor of national defense university.


Innovation is creative and operational thinking that leads to the improvement of processes. Strategic entrepreneurship is an activity for market development through process or product innovation. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of innovation on strategic entrepreneurship. This research is applied and descriptive-analytical. The statistical population of the research included the top and strategic managers of National Cartographic Center and experts in the number of 220 statistical units, and using Cochran's formula, the sample size was determined to be 136 units. The method of collecting data related to the three research hypotheses of structural, behavioral and contextual dimensions is through sampling and the tools used are reliable and valid research questionnairY, interviews, library studies, internet and review of National Cartographic Center reports.
The research results indicate a positive and significant relationship between innovation and strategic entrepreneurship and the direct impact of innovation on strategic entrepreneurship, and the general indicators show the fitness of good of the model presented using the data.
According to the evaluation of innovation indicators and conceptual model, the results show; Among the three main components, the dimension of structural factors with 94.5%; then behavioral factors with 90.52%; Next, contextual factors with 89.70% respectively have a necessary factor effect and are effective on strategic entrepreneurship, and National Cartographic Center needs to pay more attention to these dimensions in order to increase entrepreneurial capabilities.


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