Explain the dimensions, nature and scope of Islamic and Iranian civilization and provide an appropriate model

Document Type : Original Article


1 A graduate of strategic management at National Defense University and doctorate in management and cultural planning (decision-making and policy field). Responsible Author

2 Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran.


In this applied research, the nature, dimensions, and scope of Iranian Islamic civilization were explained and a suitable proposed model for civilization and its leadership was presented. First, through documentary study, the nature, dimensions, and scope of Iranian Islamic civilization were conceptualized. The results of the above research were evaluated and approved through the Delphi method (23 experts). According to this model, the process of civilization begins with public culture and then with soft architecture, the stages of humanization and community building, and the two components of Islamic culture (Ahl al-Bayt) and Iranian culture using influence during the mixed time and new cultural structure. The cultural structure has a soft and intertwined texture (including a balanced blend of Shia Islamic and Iranian culture) that integrates the mental achievements of society. The structure of civilization is made of hard material and transforms the elements and features institutionalized in the cultural structure with the use of authority over time into objective, logical, regular, and orderly external structures and realities. Cultural and civilizational structures are the nuclei of the soft and hard power of the Islamic Republic, respectively, and under the guidance and leadership and ijtihad of the Supreme Leader of the Revolution, they achieve a balance based on the conditions of time and place and become intelligent power. The reverse engineering process at this stage as a damage can by soft analysis and re-engineering and then re-engineering the elements of public culture, the structure of civilization changes the control and is led by enemies (cultural invasion). The structure of civilization reaches the "utopia of Iranian Islamic civilization" by safely passing through reverse and re-engineering and deviant cities of heresy, depravity, and ignorance, and having the components of Iranian Islamic civilization. After this stage, and if he is not caught in the city of exchange and observes the general and modern patterns and indicators of Islamic civilization, he can achieve the strategic goal of "modern Islamic civilization". This goal has been set by the Supreme Leader of the Revolution in line with the roadmap of the vision of the world government of justice of Hazrat Mahdi for the whole Islamic society. Therefore, this model is a roadmap.


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