Identifying the components of future research development in the higher education system of the country with a cross-cutting approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in higher education management, researcher at National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University


The present study aims to synthesize literature related to future research in the higher education system in order to identify the components of future research development in the higher education system. This research is applied in terms of purpose and has been done with a qualitative meta-combined method. The statistical population is all studies conducted in the period 1380-1400. In this regard, 51 researches in the field of the subject were evaluated and finally 29 articles were purposefully selected and by analyzing the content and composition of the relevant literature, a total of 220 codes, 14 concepts, 8 key categories were identified and analyzed during the search process and systematic combination of texts. The results of the analysis showed that the most important key components identified include: education, entrepreneurship, internationalization, technology, research, human resources, structural and environmental compatibility. This research is one of the first researches that comprehensively and extensively studies and analyzes the components of future research in the higher education system through the synthesis of studies and provides new, comprehensive, accurate and valuable insights in this field with a deep understanding of its nature. Has been shown to be effective in the future development of research in the country's higher education system.


  • . منابع فارسی

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