Explain the concept of policy learning in Combating Commodity and Currency Smuggling Headquarters policies: Review of the laws of the five-year plans (first to sixth) of the country

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor and faculty member of Amin Police University

2 . PhD in Human Resource Management and Lecturer at University

3 . Graduated Ph.D. in Knowledge Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University and Responsible Author


The present article aims to study policy learning, recognizing actors and their mechanisms in the fight against smuggling of goods and currency through a review of the first to sixth development plans of the country after the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The present study is a descriptive case study. Content analysis method has been used in data analysis.The statistical population in the qualitative part includes35people experts and in the quantitative part, the central actors are involved in learning policy. The available community method was used to select the sample.
The predominant share of policy learning among the types of policy learning (instrumental or technical, political, social and conceptual) in these categories is allocated to political learning with 33.3% and conceptual learning with 29.16%. The high share of technical learning(27.25) is indicative of the relatively successful policy efforts that low- and middle-level policy actors generally seek to improve and perpetuate past successes. On the other hand, the high share of political learning with 33.3% indicates the low maturity of learning in the policy body of combating smuggling of goods and currency in the country. The results of this research can be useful in more accurately understanding the policy environment of combating smuggling of goods and currency in the past and future experiences


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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