Analysis of Russian Strategic Documents (National Security Strategy, Military Doctrine and Foreign Policy Concept)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated in Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University

2 Master of International Relations, Shahid Beheshti University


Given that the goals and actions of the Russia, directly and indirectly, affect Iran's interests, it is necessary to review the strategic documents and understand the perceptions of this actor. Therefore, the research question is, how is the content of the strategic documents of the Russia? The nature of this descriptive-analytical research is from type a qualitative case study and the method of qualitative content analysis has been used to investigate the subject. The statistical population of this project is the recent strategic documents of the Russia. To investigate this issue, an attempt has been made to extract basic concepts from the existing literature and strategic documents. The five main categories used in this study include "Strategic Perspective", "Interests and Objectives", "Threats", "Tools" and "Methods of Action". The number of sub-categories is 14 and the sub-categories of level two are 58 cases. Findings from a review of Russia strategic documents show that this actor sees the world as competitive. Russia in aims to "improve Russia's political position and role in the international arena" and "improve military power and technical and military cooperation", in threats of " military- conventional and below-conventional threat and non-military- non-violent threat", in tools to "diplomatic and military tools" and in how to use the tools, focuses on the approach to "preparation and shaping" and in methods of action "multilateralism".


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

    • حسینی، مطهره و ابوالحسنی، مریم (۱۳۹۵)، جایگاه ایران در مکاتب فکری سیاست خارجی روسیه، فصلنامه آسیای مرکزی و قفقاز، شماره ۹۳.


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