Strategic model agility capabilities in defense organizations using data-driven method

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor of Supreme National Defense University


Agility means quick thinking with a smart way and the most flexibility;  Agile organizations must be able to respond to changes that are likely to occur in the organization. Agile organizations are able to perform best in a competitive environment that is constantly unpredictable and changing, and in fact have the ability to respond to the environment in a timely manner effectively. With regard to the above, the present study has been written with the aim of providing a strategic model for achieving agility capabilities in defense organizations using the data-based method. The present research is applied research in terms of purpose, field research in terms of situation and futuristic research in terms of time. In this study, in order to present a strategic model of documents and official reports related to agility, 20 experts were interviewed to conduct a survey during the coding process. Based on the codings, 1025 codes extracted from upstream documents, theoretical foundations and interviews, 112 concepts and 34 categories. Then, in the category of discovery category, these concepts are categorized in the form of 34 categories with a common axis and in the coding phase, thirty-four categories, the main dimensions of the initial conceptual research model including "4 causal categories", "4 intervention categories", "3 environmental categories" , Formed "19 strategic categories" and "4 consequential categories". It can also be concluded that if agility promotion strategies are implemented, defense organizations will become a "dynamic organization", a "position-oriented organization", a "changeable organization" and a "growth-oriented organization".


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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