Develop a conceptual model of interaction between public and private institutions with universities in the field of human resource empowerment; Review of the top ten universities in the world

Document Type : Original Article


1 Lecturer and researcher at Imam Hossein (AS) University of Officers and Guards Training

2 PhD student in Economics, Researcher at Imam Hossein University


Interaction of universities with organizations and companies is one of the necessities of communication between science and practice for universities, as well as updating human resources for private companies and government organizations. The aim of this study was to design a model of university interaction with private companies and government organizations in the field of empowerment of employees and managers. In this study, based on the case study approach and with the help of content analysis method, the top ten universities in the world (including MIT, Stanford, Oxford, Cambridge, Royal University of London, Harvard, UCL, Yale, Chicago and Berkeley) Which offer special empowerment courses for organizations and companies, have been analyzed and reviewed. The results indicate that the studied universities in most cases establish skills training centers to provide educational services in the form of short courses to organizations and companies and thus help to modernize human resources. Based on the analysis of the experiences of the world's top universities, it is possible to design a conceptual model of optimal interaction between the university and companies and organizations in the field of training courses in three areas: course design method, selection method and selection of qualified people to attend the course.



    فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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