Some steps for fulfilling the future institutional requirements of the general policies for the resistance economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 PHD of futures studies, Director of the Soft Futures study Committee at the Center

2 . PHD of futures studies

3 PHd of Economics and Associate Professor, Imam Hossein ComprehensiveUniversity(P.B.U.H).


The economy and economic issues, indicates the importance of the economy in today's world and at the same time the vulnerability of the Islamic Republic through this. This applied development research, which is qualitative in approach and descriptive in terms of analytical method, has tried to provide a roadmap for the implementation of general economic policies by analyzing the literature and analyzing the documentary content by web and library methods, as well as by interviewing experts. To resist. The main question is what is the model that examines and emphasizes the relationship between executive institutions and practical measures to implement the practical requirements for the implementation of these policies, and obviously the main purpose of the research was to provide the model.
 Institutional mapping is a representation of the status of institutions active in a particular field, along with the relationships between them and a tool for identifying and displaying key institutions (formal and informal) and individuals inside and outside a community and the importance of different social groups; Thus, institutional mapping shows the process of examining and designing the components of a system and their dynamics, interdependencies, interactions, relationships of components, and how activities flow.


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