A Pattern of Strategic Knowledge Feature for Developing Strategic Experiences of Managers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty Member of Shahid Beheshti University

2 Member of the faculty of the National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of the National Defense University and responsible author

4 Ph.D. student at the National Defense University


Knowledge management is an effective tool in improving the organizational structure, improve service levels and increase organizational competitiveness .. The first step is the acquisition of appropriate knowledge, especially knowledge of the strategy at the macro level. The most important step is to identify the characteristics of strategic knowledge and people and managers with the knowledge that it is the main objective of this research  and is very tangible vacuum. The study population, patients and managers in strategic and policy levels of government and the civil and military apparatus of the Islamic Republic of Iran. And has special features and experience requirements. They also provide a model system of government and a number of treatises have activity as professor and in a sample of 103 people were tested. The main tool for this research, is the study of documents, interviews, and the questionnaire free. This questionnaire is available after approval by experts and Cronbach's alpha. Using tests and analyzes, exploratory and confirmatory factor 20 features and 20 features of strategic knowledge and administrators with the knowledge of each of the three categories was set. The three categories are: Basic characteristics (originated), intermediate characteristics and the final properties of the (outcome / macro). It also features a knowledge management strategy and an introduction to science, general and specialized features and personal characteristics were determined for individuals and managers with strategic knowledge. The results confirm the functional model That the holder of the features and characteristics of strategic knowledge and knowledge management strategy And at the end of the study are presented.


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