Identification of command and management Characteristics and criteria of based on Imam Khameini's intellectual system

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant professor at imam Hossein University


Management, Leadership and Command is one of the areas that has a Wide chapter in the content of books and articles and The Experts have looked at this issue in different perspectives. The present article Looking for that to Identify and introduce criteria and desirable features of command and management from Imam Khameini's perspective As a leader, that been able despite the Problems and difficulties, to achieve the Islamic Revolution to its destination safely with his merit and tact. The method of this research is based on content analysis. In This research method that is the kind of a qualitative methodology research, To extract concepts and categories and Their application number, Analysis of texts related to Khamenei's statements and writings, From various and valid sources was Adjusted. The research results show that Based on the Imam Khameini’s thoughts, The desirable features of managers and commanders can be classified into two general sections: public section(Includes 6 dimensions and 28 components) And a specific section: Includes 4 Epistemic - Beliefs dimensions(With 9 components), Ethical- behavior(With 17 components), Social- political(With 10 components) And professional - career field(With 18 components).


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