A Pattern for Defensive-Security Authority according to the discourse of Imam Khomeini

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor and the faculty member, Supreme National Defense University

2 PhD. In Strategic Defense Sciences and Defense Policy


One of the undeniable realities is the role of thoughts, ideas, guidelines, and discernments of Hazrat Imam Khomeini in devising defensive-security strategies. Therefore, the key goal of this study is “Defensive-Security Authority according to the discourse of Imam Khomeini” in which it is tried to present the discourse of Imam Khomeini  by means of a descriptive, analytical, and data-oriented method and doing theoretical studies in a scientific and systematic manner about strategic issues until it can coordinate and align the entire activities in the domain of defensive-security authority. The type of research is applied and developmental. Instruments of data collection in the documentary section are note taking on index cards and in the field section is the research survey. The statistical universe of it consists in 30 experts who are chosen in a random-purposive manner. In order to extract data the basic theory, content analysis, and discourse analysis and for validation and component certification and certification of indices the experts’ opinions are used. The holy regime of the Islamic Republic of Iran will encounter multiple threats, hurdles, and problems for making a civilization based on the thought of the great prophet of Islam  and to remove obstacles from its way to reach divine and altruistic goals by using its total resources and facilities requires to achieve defensive-security authority. Thus, the results of the research indicate that the defensive-security authority based on the discourse of Imam Khomeini  consists in 9 issues, 22 components, and 32 concepts which after presenting it to the scholar universe in order to certify the components and concepts, the entire components and concepts which are enumerated are approved by making minor changes.


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