Imam's Discourse Analysis and Leadership in Converting of Science and Technology to Wealth

Document Type : Original Article


1 Knowledge Strategic Management(Ph.D.) and responsible author

2 Professor of Information Technology Management at Tarbiat Modares University

3 scientific Member of the National Defense University

4 scientific Member of the Malekeashtar University


This article is followed Imam's Discourse Analysis and Leadership in Converting Achievements of Science and Technology to Wealth. In this paper, the MAXQDA12 software has been used to analyze quantitative and qualitative content, and Lacla and Mouffe's theory used for analyzing Imam and Leadership works and statements.The analyzes show that the main element, in terms of science, the central slab in the thoughts and statements of Imam and leadership is the scientific authority and technology based on self-belief and self-confidence. Similarly, other elements in the discourse include: Science, knowledge, progress, economic independence, wealth, healthy economy, scientific progress, human talents, scientific discipline, scientific authority, scientific jihad, knowledge economy, innovation and commercialization of science and technology, justice, economic independence, respect Private property, the encouragement of domestic production and the fight against consumer culture. This discourse faces considerable challenges from external enemies and economic profits that look beyond the reach of the economy. Comparison of Imam and Leader's statements and works in this research show that the perceptions of the production of science and wealth, its origins, its works, its needs and its features, especially in the field of values are very similar. Both the Imam and the leadership have been strongly recommended the production of science and wealth, advances in the production of science and technology with attention to the internal and reliance on the domestic capital and talent based on justice and with the aim of social welfare of all people and the realization of national authority and authority of the Islamic system.


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