Developing a competency model for provincial managers of the state pension fund

Document Type : Original Article


1 Master of Human resource development trend of governmental management, Eyvanekey University, Responsible Author

2 Assistant professor in Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Humanities. Eyvane key University, Eyvanekey. Iran


The purpose of the present study was to identify the competencies of the provincial managers of the civil servant Pension Fund. Initially, in-depth and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 experts who were selected as theoretical snowballs and reached theoretical saturation. After each interview, the text was implemented and coded using MAXQDA software. Simultaneously with this process, the job descriptions of the provincial managers, on ONET website and upstream documents were reviewed, coded and summarized. 48 sub-competencies of provincial managers were classified into 6 categories or main dimensions of competence called knowledge, personality traits, communication and interpersonal, intellectual and analytical-mental, managerial and executive, value and belief, and the validity and reliability of the findings were confirmed. Took. At the end, the competencies were ranked according to the interviewees, with the highest knowledge category and the lowest intellectual-analytical category. Among the sub-competencies are the competencies of mastering the (technical) rules and regulations of retirement, mastering the affairs of income and expenses, planning and organizing, supervising and controlling, the highest rank and related degree, political behavior, meritocracy, the lowest rank Had.


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