The Outsourcing of Logistic Services Robust Strategies (Case Study: Defense Organization)

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology, Corresponding Author

2 M.A in Logistics of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology

3 Assistant professor of Shahid Sattari Aeronautical University of Science and Technology


A Robust strategy is one that is still effective despite obstacles, surprises, and unforeseen mistakes. The purpose of this study is to develop robust strategies for outsourcing logistics services. This research is applied in terms of purpose, mixed in terms of approach exploratory-survey method. Library and field methods have been used to collect information. First, the capability indicators affecting the sustainability of logistics services outsourcing were identified through interviews with experts and based on them, questionnaires were prepared and distributed among managers and commanders of preparedness and support. The statistical population of the interview is the experts and senior managers of the defense organization who were selected by judgment. The population for the distribution of the questionnaire of experts and commanders in the field of readiness and support of the Defense Organization. The results of analysis identify four pivotal uncertainties, including non-location in the global supply chain network; Class level differences between the organization under study and other defense forces; Sanctions, crisis and war; And led to the discontinuity and stability of supply and sources of supply. Proportionally consistent strategies include resale; National unity; Popularizing defense; And Dana was identified as a knowledge-based employer and the Tavaana Network was identified as a capable supplier.


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