Characteristics of transformationism in the Sphere of Thought of the Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Professor in Supreme National Defense University and Responsible Author

2 . Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Military Sciences, Imam Ali Officer University.

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Management, Faculty of Management and Military Sciences, Imam Ali Officer University


Undoubtedly, in the last 40 years, the source of all the amazing progress and achievements in country has been in terms of transformation. In this study, by analyzing the content of all the statements of the Supreme Leader through the software of Hadith Velayat from 1980 to 2020, the characteristics of transformationism were calculated. The word transformation has been repeated 959 times in statements and has been mentioned in 29 areas. Finally, these 29 areas were classified into 6 main axes, including scientific-technological, religious-cultural, economic-social, government-nation, Islamic Revolution and armed forces. Using the grounded theory and by open and axial coding of all statements, it was classified into 94 concepts, 31 sub-categories and 7 main categories. Thus, the characteristics of transformationalism include the nature of transformationalism (fundamental, gradual, Time based), the factors that create transformation (transformational leadership, Divine help, teachers, youth, Not content with the status quo ,effort), environmental conditions of Transformation (people and elites), interventionist conditions (change management and planning), areas of change (spirituality, culture, science, economics, seminary, administrative system, education), areas of change (individual , Organizational, national, global) and the achievements of transformation (progress, Defensive Deterrence, maintaining the orientation of the Revolution, independence and national dignity) were counted..


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