Trend research of advances of cognitive sciences in the world and a comparison between selected Islamic countries of West Asia

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. student at Futurology in Supreme National Defense University, and Responsible

2 PhD. student at Futurology in Supreme National Defense University

3 Assistant professor of Supreme National Defense University


Cognitive science as one of the four main pillars of converging sciences is growing and rapidly expanding, and policy-making for and strategic directing of this field require a holistic view of the situation.
Accordingly, the study of the progress of the selected countries in west Asia and the United States can provide a holistic view and insight of the current situation and the progress of Islamic countries, especially Iran. For this purpose, the process of scientific production in four selected Islamic countries and the United States is explored.
methodology of the research is mixed method that uses both qualitative and quantitative data and methods in parallel to confirm the results. In this study, research methods and techniques including web mining, Scientometrics and Google Trends were used. The geographical scope of this study includes four influential Islamic countries in West Asia and the United States. Web mining data was extracted from LinkedIn, and Scientometrics data were obtained from 1,000 articles published on the ScienceDirect database.
The results of the research are interpretive, descriptive and also quantitative, which indicates a large scientific gap between Islamic countries and leading countries in the field of cognitive science. Also, the comparison of the results of web analysis and Google Trends shows the focus of Islamic countries on the field of cognitive psychology and behavioral sciences. Conversely, cognitive science research products in artificial intelligence and robotics in Islamic countries are at a low level that need serious policies and strategies


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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