The effect of knowledge-based economy and resilience economics indicators on energy intensity in selected oil-exporting countries

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Oil and Gas Economics, Faculty of Economics, Allameh Tabatabai University

2 PhD Student in Islamic Economics, majoring in International Economics, Islamic Azad University, Firoozkooh Branch

3 Assistant professor in Political Science, University of Tehran


Due to the upward trend in energy consumption in developing countries, especially energy exporting countries, increasing energy efficiency and reducing the intensity of energy consumption has been more than ever considered by major policymakers. Given that the need to establish knowledge-based economy strategies and reduce energy intensity are both mentioned in the general policies of the resistance economy, this article examines the impact of knowledge-based economy strategies and the performance of the resistance economy on energy intensity in selected exporting countries. Oil has been refined for the period 2000 to 2019. The model is estimated using the panel data model and the results show a negative impact of the ratio of research and development costs to GDP and the number of Internet users on the intensity of energy consumption. Also, the variable of degree of economic openness, which is an indicator for both the resistance economy and the knowledge-based economy, leads to a reduction in the intensity of energy consumption in the group of selected research countries. The variables of concentration of export and import goods as well as high-tech exports, which are variables of resistance economy, have a negative and significant effect on the intensity of energy consumption in selected research countries. Which has the size of a government and the variable of misery index has a positive and significant effect on energy intensity.


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