Designing an indigenous model of knowledge management in Iranian pubic organizations

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student, Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch. Islamic Azad University. Qazvin. Iran and Responsible

2 Assistant professor of industrial management, faculty of humanities, shahed university, Tehran,Iran.

3 Assistant professor of public management, Islamic Azad University, west Tehran Branch, Iran


Nowadays, knowledge creation, storage and management in organizations have become a value-creating strategy and its optimal management can help the strategic growth and development of the organization. The purpose of this study is to design an indigenous model of knowledge management with adaptability in Iranian public organizations. In the qualitative part, the components were identified using library studies and referring to experts in a non-random purposeful snowball method. Economics and finance, Islamic culture and guidance, and education were prioritized as the most important components influencing knowledge management maturity. Components of research in a system model with five variables: 1. Input including: individual capability, behavioral competence, strategy and public rules and regulations; 2. Process includes: leadership and support of senior management, organizational technology and organizational process; 3. Outputs include: knowledge-based culture and flexible structure; 4. Outcome includes: profitability, quality, productivity, growth and 5. Feedback includes: internal evaluation, external evaluation, review and correction. In the quantitative part, the research model was fitted and tested through the structural equation model and SMARTPLS software and the path coefficients all had a positive and significant effect. The research findings revealed the design of an indigenous model for the establishment of knowledge management. The results of this research can be used by Iranian public organizations to pave the way for the successful establishment of knowledge management and gain a competitive advantage


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