Alignment Pattern between Human Resources Strategies and Organizational Strategies (Case Study: Refah Bank)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD. Student and Refah Bank/Expert System Analyst

2 proffesor of strategic management, Amin Police University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran


One of the factors for quality improvement and development of any organization is the alignment between human resources strategy and organizational resources because human resources is the most important asset of an organization. Strategies drawn in the organization are developed by human resources, so it is necessary that the actions taken by human resources are in line with the goals of the organization. Alignment helps the organization use more efficient resources, thereby reducing its costs and increasing its speed in exploiting environmental opportunities. Banks are also one of the most important organizations whose growth and quality improvement can have a positive impact on the provision of social services. This research was conducted using grounded theory method with the aim of investigating and analyzing the relationship between the factors that create alignment between human resource strategy and organizational resources. The statistical population of this study included 15 experts who had at least more than 2 years of experience in the human resources department of the Welfare Bank in the field of human resources. The results showed that the most important factors affecting the alignment of human resources and organizational resources are causal variables including creating a suitable work environment, managers' morale, psychological security of employees, organizational support for forces, ethics, improving the quality of recruited forces, meritocracy, elimination Organizational deficiencies and employee satisfaction; Underlying conditions include employee ethics, employee welfare, credit, elimination of additional costs, coherent planning for the organization's goals, recognizing barriers to growth and improving the organization's technology; Intervening conditions include discrimination among employees, managerial tastes, and restrictions on suggestions and criticisms.


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