Strategic control model of logistics in conditions of stability and crisis (Case study: a defense organization)

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student in Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University, Corresponding Author

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Imam Hossein University

3 Assistant Professor, Higher National Defense University

4 Associate Professor, Faculty of Entrepreneurship, University of Tehran

5 Full professor of the Faculty of Industrial Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology


Today, rapid and varied environmental changes have prevailed over all organizations, especially defense organizations, and therefore managers in such environments; In addition to constantly trying to guide the organization during these developments, they need to constantly compare the current situation with the desired situation using conventional tools such as strategic control. The present article is a research that has been done on designing and explaining the strategic logistics control model of a defense organization in conditions of stability and crisis.
This research is field-based in terms of collecting theoretical foundations and backgrounds, and field-based in terms of collecting data. According to the type of research, on the one hand, it has a developmental orientation and on the other hand, it has an applied orientation. Data collection tools; Documentation, strategic control patterns, and interviews are semi-structured and in-depth. This research is one-piece in terms of time horizon and the population and its statistical sample are professors, managers and logistics experts in the studied defense organization. In this regard, with studies and interviews conducted with the participation of the focus group; Dimensions, components and indicators of the model were counted and in the form of questionnaires and opinions of 48 experts and using confirmatory factor analysis and other tests, the validity and reliability of the factors and their priority were assessed. The final model includes four types of strategic control: mission-oriented, process-oriented gradual, flexible-oriented, and humanistic-fundamental, each of which has components and indicators in a state of stability and crisis.


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