Identify and prioritize components of the HR strategic partner Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch as a hub of civil defense

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran, and responsible aut

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Management, Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch, Iran.


Attention to human resources and its development and empowerment, which is considered the most valuable organizational asset and is the center of ability and knowledge enhancement in the world class, confirms the fact that human beings are considered as a decisive and effective partner in organizations and human resource development leads to organizational development. Is. Now, considering that decent human resources are the competitive advantage of any organization, and the human resources unit plays a key role in the development of this advantage. The strategic human resources partner of any organization is very important. The issue of strategy and human resource development is doubly important, especially for military-related universities, where students are mostly researching in line with the university's mission policies. The purpose of this paper is to identify the components of human resources strategic partnering for North Tehran Azad University as a passive defense hub, with the Delphi approach. In this regard, with a comprehensive study of the literature, the components of the strategic partner of human resources have been identified and the Delphi approach has been used to localize them so that the experts' agreement on the indicators is the basis for decision. In this regard, 27 repetitive indicators identified Literature review and expert opinion Using the opinion of 23 experts, it reached 15 final indicators during 3 Delphi rounds.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

    • آرمسترانگ، میشل (1389)، دستنامه مدیریت منابع‌انسانی، ترجمه پهلوانیان. حسین و همکاران، تهران، نیکوروش.
    • اولریش، دیود (1388)، رهبری منابع‌انسانی، ترجمه قلیچ لی، بهروز، موسسه مطالعات منابع‌انسانی.
    • برایان بکر، مارک هوزلید و دیو اولریش (1394)، ارزیابی متوازن منابع‌انسانی، مترجم مسعود بینش، افشین دبیری، رضا قرائی‌پور، آموزش و تحقیقات صنعتی ایران.
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    • طیبی رهنی، علی (1400)، شریک راهبردی کسب و کار شدن منابع‌انسانی، تهران. نشر سها
    • مشایخی، علینقی؛ فرهنگی، علی اکبر؛ مومنی، منصور؛ علیدوست، سیروس (1384)، بررسی عوامل کلیدی مؤثر بر کاربرد فناوری اطلاعات در ‌سازمان‌های دولتی ایران: کاربرد روش دلفی، تهران: پژوهش‌های مدیریت در ایران، 9(20)
    • نیاز آذری،کیومرث و تقوی یزدی، مریم (1396)، بررسی ارتباط دانشگاه کارآفرین با ابعاد و مولفه‌های آینده نگاری و تولید علم، تهران: نوآوری‌های مدیریت آموزشی.


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