Measuring the Ecological Indicators of Innovation in Defense Educational-Research Institutions

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student, Faculty of Strategic Management, Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran. responsible author

2 Assistant professor of Malek-Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

3 Researcher, Strategic Studies Management, Malek Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Today, with the rapid changes and the short life cycles of technologies, the role of Educational - Research Centers (ERCs) in enhancing the power of scientific, industrial and social has become stronger than ever. ERCs provide a suitable platform for the production, development and dissemination of science and technology and in the country creation of an atmosphere of innovation; They are building ecosystem of inovation through the discovery, creation and production of science and technology and the establishment of the flow of knowledge and information and its exchange among research and industrial actors. Therefore, ERCs need to use a measure model's to innovation and maturity in yourself ecosystem. In this research, based on the literature review and expert's opinion poll, six main indicators were identified for measuring the ecological indicators of Innovation in the ERCs include: innovation culture, development and infrastructures of innovation, networking, innovation processes, human resources and policies and strategies. After confirming the indices, an innovation ecosystem  measurement model proposed; and based on this model, the level of innovation ecosystem maturity measured. The final results of the innovation ecosystem maturity measure show that the average of all innovation indicators is less than the theoretical average. The only human resource factor of the organization be close to average and Desirable index. Therefore, in this respect, the studied organization has weaknesses and shortcomings in the selected indicators of innovation ecosystem.


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