The national future of the health system based on the approach of causal layered analysis with emphasis on the new Islamic civilization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences - Noor Comprehensive Genetics Center - Senior Director and responsible author

2 Faculty of Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences


The future of the health system in any country is nothing but its civilization, and what really separates civilizations is the worldview and lifestyle that governs those countries, so consider worldview in Health policy-making is inevitable. The approach of causal layer analysis as an interpretive approach in future research and as an approach that plays a worldview role in building the future can be used to improve the understanding of key actors in the health system in building the preferred future of this system. And it helped to understand the real challenges today. The purpose of this study is to provide an operational solution for the transformation of the structure of the country's health system in the path of modern Islamic civilization. In this study, using the Laprospective school approach and the process governing the software, the software analyzes the future goals of the health system and the actions of the actors through in-depth interviews with 25 health system experts. Currently, among the four goals, the discourse of the university and the Hekmat-e-Bonyan organization is the only goal through which the challenges of the country's health system can be solved. Therefore, the Ministry of Health, due to its duty to protect the health system, relying on a health-centered approach instead of disease-centered and with the discourse of the organization and Hekmat-e-Bonyan University, puts the country's health system on the path of modern Islamic civilization.


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