Architecture of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Islamic Republic of Iran In order to Achieve Scientific Authority in Horizon 1440

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated in Futures group of strategic management faculty of Supreme National Defense University, Tehran, Iran. responsible author

2 Associate Professor of Malek ashtar University

3 Professor in Sharif Industrial university

4 . Professor in Kerman university


Achieving scientific authority as an infrastructure for the realization of new Islamic civilization over the next 40 to 50 years requires a transparent, coherent, comprehensive and macro plan in the base of a possible desired image, and needs integrated, flexiblity and Interactivity in the form of science, technology and innovation (STI) architecture. The purpose of this research is the STI architecture of I. R. Iran in order to achieve scientific authority in horizon 1440.
This research which is applied-development based on Purpose and descriptive and survey in terms of method, has developed STI architectural framework by combining of library studies and field and validated by Delphi method. Then concepts and categories were formed  using content and concept analysis, the feedback received by snowball method, questionnair and semiguided interview tools and the relationships were interpreted. The main dimentions of STI architecture includes basics and values; possible desired image of STI and scientific authority in horizon; roles; atributies and capabilities; required Structure; and relationship between components and structure, and global and national megatrends were drafted. Contekt validity index (CVI) was over0.7 and Cronbach’s alpha was at least 0,899. Finally the STI architecture of I. R. Iran in order to achieve scientific authority in horizon 1440 was described in 24 cells. Eccordingly authority is the most important aspect in the image of STI and scientific authority in horizon1440 which must be the focal point of all macro goals, national actions, measures and STI policies.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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