Providing a Strategic Model of Youth Affairs Administration Based on the Jurisprudence of the Province of Jurisprudence, the Constitution and Experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty and Associate Professor of Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 PhD student of Strategic Management at Higher National Defense University


The Islamic Revolution of Iran has provided a new fundamental scientific thought and attitude to the evolution of changing attitudes and bio-spirituality to the world with two prominent Islamic-Iranian characteristics, thus, in relation to human resources in the fields of women and youth, A special one has been formed and a new and independent model of government and sovereignty has been introduced, with the idea of ​​the young and the Islamic Revolution as one of its prominent features. In this article, while identifying the gap between the desirable situation and the current situation in the field of youth affairs, we are trying to present a strategic model of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this field and provide some practical suggestions for reforming the affairs. The main question of this research is to present a strategic model of youth affairs administration based on the thought and discourse of the jurisprudent of the jurisprudence and the constitutional approaches (foundation elements) and experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran in this area (managerial dimensions). In this research, library study and citing of experts' opinions have been done


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