Investigating the influential and influential factors in strategic decisions influenced by public opinion

Document Type : Original Article


1 Management of International Oil and Gas Contracts, Faculty of Islamic Education and Economics, Imam Sadegh (AS) University, Tehran, IRA, and responsible author

2 Industrial Group, Faculty of Islamic Education and Management, Imam Sadiq University

3 Management of International Oil and Gas Contracts, Faculty of Islamic Education and Economics, Imam Sadegh (AS) University, Tehran, IRA


The emergence of modern media in the age of communication, along with the developments that have been made with the expansion of their sphere of influence, has challenged many of the earlier assumptions and principles in the structure of relations between statesmen and rulers with the people. The legal and social boundaries of governments are diminished, and their sovereignty is shaken as absolute decision makers in the affairs of society, and concepts such as parties, interest groups and public opinion form the policy area. The formation of strategic decisions at the public level and their dependence on public opinion, on the one hand, the importance and position of public opinion management in achieving goals and convergence in the adoption of strategic decisions and supporting these decisions, focusing on general decision making The community was discussed and discussed. For this purpose, after reviewing the processes of strategic decision-making, it is to identify the role and position of public opinion management in reaching the decision in this area and identify the main axis of the effect of public opinion management on strategic decisions and presenting the model and leveling using the ISM methodology. This research will be of great help in identifying public influence and influencing them in order to support specific public-level decisions.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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