Critical Realism Epistemology guidelines for Knowledge Management Research; a research based on methodology of implication-research studies

Document Type : Original Article


1 . Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University and responsible author

2 Faculty member of tarbiat modares University


It's quite common that various academic disciplines such as humanities, natural sciences, social sciences and arts borrow theories ideas, models and guidelines from other disciplines and schools to make their knowledge repository more precious The more intrinsic richness and philosophical features a discipline has, the more the interest of other disciplines increases. In this regard, Critical Realism has become a pervasive philosophical source that others can borrow and take from to add to their knowledge richness.
The purpose of this study is to identify and extract methodological implications of CR, mostly based on Bhaskar's version. There is focus on Knowledge Management which is explored through the knowledge cycle, based on Nonaka's view. The research is conducted using the Implication Research Method; a novel method that has been used in some academic theses.
This article shows CR in the field of methodology has serious contributions to knowledge management, which results in significant implications for the field. Additionally, this article can be considered as a model of an Implication Research investigation, as well as other philosophical schools.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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