Designing a crisis logistics center based on the capabilities of the armed forces

Document Type : Original Article


1 researcher in Center for Logistics Studies and Research (ILSCS), and responsible author

2 Faculty member of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University

3 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University


Today, logistics is one of the most important factors influencing the success of the crisis management process. In times of crisis, a large volume of items, equipment and facilities must be prepared and prepared in advance and sent to the affected areas and people as soon as possible. This makes countries think about using the logistical capabilities of the armed forces in times of crisis.
The problem of research is the lack of a coherent and comprehensive mechanism for using the logistical capabilities of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is time for a crisis. In terms of method, this research can be considered as a case study and contextual. In the following, the main purpose of the research is defined and based on it, the research questions including existential philosophy, mission, structure, job description and how it works and its interactions with other factors are presented. In this research, using the experiences and opinions of 38 specialists and experts, the Iranian organizational architecture framework and the Delphi method have been used so that in times of crisis, by using the capabilities of all defense logistics factors in the country, the needs can be met. Says. The structure of the center is designed to be virtual and an attempt has been made to use the logistical capacity of the Armed Forces in providing assistance to the injured with the least cost and the most effectiveness, and according to the previous exercises, with the most coordination.


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