Designing a Model for Empowering Employees with a Spiritual Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University and responsible author,

2 Assistant professor of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University

3 PhD. student of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University


The successful organization is an organization that consisting of human resources with organizational culture, ideas and common goals that share their experiences and knowledge with the organization. Under these conditions, any process that enhances the capability of human resources is a capital-intensive process, the result of which is directly reflected in the quality and quantity of services. The purpose of this study is to find ways to increase the empowerment of employees with a spiritual approach to achieve organizational goals and to explain the scientific and practical framework for the development of employee empowerment based on spirituality. The present study that was done in one of the organizations affiliated with the Armed Forces, is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-correlational research in terms of data collection. 70 questionnaires were collected and analyzed by integer method. Findings showed that Model inputs have a positive and significant effect on the process by 83%. The process has a 87% positive and significant effect on the outputs.Also, according to the results of determination coefficient (R2), processes predict 68% of inputs. Outputs also predict 75% of input and process. The results of research on spiritual empowerment indicate that the development of abilities has the greatest effect on spiritual empowerment and then on cognitive and intellectual empowerment.


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