Effective drivers of Iranian NGOs in the next decade

Document Type : Original Article


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NGOs are currently playing an influential role. There are various factors that may drastically change the slow and low trend of change in the field of non-governmental organizations and severely burden the damage and threats of non-governmental organizations. However, with the correct knowledge of the future possibilities and the necessary preparation for any change in this field, not only will its harms and threats be greatly reduced, but it will become an activist who will play an important role in solving the problems of the people and the government. . Therefore, the present study entitled "Identifying the drivers of Iranian non-governmental organizations in the next decade" was conducted with the aim of assisting decision-makers. To answer the main research question, "What are the effective drivers of Iranian non-governmental organizations until the next decade?" The following sub-questions were designed: "Who are the active actors in the field of non-governmental organizations ?; "What factors will affect NGOs over the next ten years?" This research is of qualitative type and in terms of results, it is applied and both library and field methods were used to collect data and expert meetings (panels) were used in different steps of identifying and analyzing propellants. Finally, sixteen effective drivers in the category of enablers, convergents, disabling and divergent drivers of non-governmental organizations were identified and suggestions were made to strengthen the desired drivers and weaken the bad ones


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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