The state of Iran's economy based on Knowledge-based economy- Resistive economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Faculty of Allameh Tabatabayi University

2 PhD student in Strategic Cultural Management, Supreme National Defense University and responsible author

3 Faculty of Malek Ashtar University


The knowledge-based economy is considered as one of the important concepts that has been given special attention in the above-mentioned legal documents of the I.R.Iran, including the general policies of the Resistive economy. Knowledge-based economy is a basic need for developing countries such as Iran. Avoiding a knowledge-based economy greatly reduces competitiveness. Economics based on science and knowledge leads to the sustainable growth and development of society and ultimately the realization of a Resistive economy.
Due to the importance of knowledge-based economy in the development of the country, the purpose of this study is to "study the current and favorable situation of Iran's economy based on knowledge-based economy - Resistive economy".
The type of research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose. Also, in order to determine the current and favorable situation of Iran's economy based on knowledge-based economy - Resistive economy, a questionnaire was developed and analyzed using SPSS software and inferential statistics. The results showed that the situation of the variables "economic and institutional regime", " Information and communication technology" and " Resistive economy" in Iran in general does not have the desired average. However, the results show that the variables " educated and skilled population" and " innovation system " in Iran have a favorable average. To show the gap between the current and favorable situation of knowledge-based economy- Resistive economy variables in Iran, two-sample t-test was used, which according to the results, there is a significant difference between the current and favorable situation of all variables.


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