he statement of the Second Phase of the Revolution, considering the importance of the exporter and the time importance of its issuance, requires a very detailed study. This is important in order to make the words of the Imam of the society more effective through the maximum communication between the Imam and the Ummah. In this regard, given the complexity and conceptual grandeur of the Declaration of the Second Phase of the Revolution, it is necessary to look at it from different angles so that perhaps by summarizing these views one can approach its comprehensive understanding. One of the perspectives that can be used to review the statement; Analysis of the statement from a strategic perspective is, in a sense, a statement of strategic analysis. In other words, this study seeks to answer the central question of what is the evidence for the strategic view in the second step statement? In this research, using the content analysis method, the content of the Second Phase of the Revolution and counting the signs of the strategic planning document have been studied. According to a detailed study of the text of the statement, 287 key propositions, 295 basic themes, 80 organizing themes and 9 Inclusive theme have been identified. In this research, the propositions of analyzing the current situation of the revolution , the hierarchy of the goals of the revolution, the governing principles and principles, policies and strategies of the Islamic Revolution movement in the second step have been calculated and presented.
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ب. منابع اینترنتی
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Ali Torabi. "The Statement Of “Second Phase of the Revolution” ; Strategic planning document of the movement in the second stage of the Islamic Revolution", Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 5, 17, 2021, 71-100.
Torabi, A. (2021). 'The Statement Of “Second Phase of the Revolution” ; Strategic planning document of the movement in the second stage of the Islamic Revolution', Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 5(17), pp. 71-100.
Torabi, A. The Statement Of “Second Phase of the Revolution” ; Strategic planning document of the movement in the second stage of the Islamic Revolution. Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 2021; 5(17): 71-100.