Identify and Prioritize Flexibility Components in the Logistics System - Case Study: A Military Organization

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of Strategic Management in Supreme National Defense University and responsible author

2 Master of Science in Razi University of Kermanshah


logistics as the backbone of military operations at the strategic level must be flexible in situations such as changing needs and providing field services, changing the type of organization's mission, and changing operating environment and scene conditions. The present article aims to prioritize the components of flexibility in logistics . This is a descriptive-survey research. The statistical population of the study was a military organization using 52 available sampling to complete the questionnaire. FANP was used to analyze the data to rank components of supply chain flexibility in support and preparation.
The systematic model (input, process-output) is based on this research.The statistical results show that based on the systematic model ، each of the components of flexibility in input ، process ، and output of the system ، according to the military organization under study ، has been given importance. The exact statistics of the results are detailed in the following sections.


  • الف. منابع فارسی

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    • دودانگه، محمود (1391)، اصول و مبانی و کارکرد‌های آماد و پشتیبانی، تهران: مرکز مطالعات و پژوهش­‌های آماد و پشتیبانیی، انتشارات دانشگاه امام حسین‌علیه­السلام
    • مارسیا هاگس؛ جیمز بردفورد ترل؛ ال، بونیتا پترسون (1388)، هوش هیجانی و رهبری سازمانی، ترجمه: گودرزی، علی محمد، مرکز آموزش و تحقیقات صنعتی ایران، تهران.
    • نظام جامع آماد و پشتیبانی سپاه (1391)، مرکز مطالعات و پژوهش­‌های آماد و پشتیبانیی، تهران: دانشگاه امام حسین‌(علیه‌السلام).


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