The model of knowledge-based economy based on the general policies of resistance economics

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Strategic Cultural Management, Supreme National Defense University. and responsible author

2 Faculty of Allameh University

3 Faculty of Malek Ashtar University


Today, widespread and intensive sanctions are making it difficult for the country's economy, and accordingly, requirements must be formulated that can lead the country's economy to cross this difficult gorge. The resistance economy is the only way to deal with these problems. The purpose of this study is to "provide the requirements for knowledge-based economics in the context of the general policies of the resistance economy." As a result, an economy based on science is authoritarian and resilient. The main research question in line with the purpose of the research is what are the requirements for knowledge-based economics in the context of the general policies of the resistance economy? The type of research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and in terms of data collection method is in the category of descriptive-survey research which has been done by qualitative content analysis method. Upstream documents, guidelines and statements of the Supreme Leader, Persian and Latin books, articles and websites were used to collect data in the library section. Data collected using the method Content analysis was analyzed. Based on the results of the research and in the analyzes performed in this research, in order to be able to provide a realistic picture of the current situation, the requirements, goals and policies of knowledge-based economy are explained and described within the general policies of resistance economics. Properly provided


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