Designing a strategic leadership model for the cultural system of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on data-based theory

Document Type : Original Article


1 national defense university master's

2 Assistant professor of Shahed University

3 Ph.D. student in National Defense University, and responsible author


The goal of this study is to organize and implement the "Strategic Leadership Model of the Cultural System of the Islamic Republic of Iran" based on the views of the Supreme Leader. To achieve the main goal of the research, which is to find the categories and factors: causal, central phenomenon, contextual conditions, intervening conditions, strategies, consequences, and finally theoretical theorems and paradigm model; Statements and letters of the Supreme Leader from 1361 to 1398 were extracted and quantitatively analyzed… Since coding in its basic theory is a kind of content analysis, we used Maxqda20 software for accurate content analysis. At the end of coding; 638 codes, 86 concepts, 230 subcategories and 51 categories were created. According to the drawing of the "strategic leadership" model, 12 theorems were formulated and using conventional methods in data theory, the foundation, validity and reliability of the research were established. finally, the research findings answered the questions appropriately.


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