Management strategy to reduce dependence on oil by strengthening the private sector and increasing production as a solution to a Economic Strength

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor at Imam Hossein Comprehensive University

2 Ph.D. student… and responsible author


One of the main problems of oil-rich countries, especially Iran, is the financing of development projects through oil revenues. In most of these countries, the oil sector has a high share of value added in GDP. The sharp rise in oil revenues, while considered a natural resource, has become an economic disaster. The main question in this study, given the decline in oil prices in recent years and its association with sanctions issues, which highlights the need for more domestic production and support for investment in the private sector, is whether it is possible to depend on revenues. Reduce oil by strengthening the private sector and increasing production and relying on domestic labor in the shadow of a resilient economy, and what strategies can be used to replace oil revenues to increase production. In this research, the data of the annual time series 1351-1397 and the error correction coefficient model have been used. The results of the model indicate a negative relationship between the ratio of private sector investment to total government investment, private sector investment and the ratio of exports to imports as a reliance on domestic production and GDP, also looking at the sign of the ratio of GDP to GNP as well as labor productivity can be concluded that by relying on the labor force in the face of sanctions and by emphasizing the resistance economy can help increase the country's GDP


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